petiolar node
petiolar node excised medially
dorsal surface of petiolar node excised medially to form two lateral teeth
peduncle realtively long
peduncle long and does not taper gradually into node (Cardiocondyla)
peduncle relatively short
peduncle not appearing long (length not twice height) but thickens gradually as it tapers into node (Cardiocondyla)
petiolar node with apical spine
petiolar node armed with single apical spine
petiolar node quadrate
petiolar node relatively quadrate and subpetiolar process broad in profile with a blunt anterior angle and an acute posterior angle
petiolar node tall and narrow
petiolar node tall and narrow and the subpetiolar process narrow with a blunt posterior angle and lacking a distinct anterior angle (Gnamptogenys)
petiole flattened
petiole flattened and lacking a distinct node
petiole with upright node
petiole with a distinct and upright node
propodeum and petiolar with teeth
propodeum and petiolar node armed with pairs of short teeth
propodeum and petiole lacking teeth
propodeum and petiolar node lacking pairs of short teeth