postpetiole attached to upper gastral surface
The postpetiole is attached to the upper surface of the gaster. Used in Antkey to separate Crematogaster from all other myrmicine genera.
pygidium armed
The upper surface (tergite) of the last segment of the gaster generally flat and armed with a row of very small teeth. This character can be difficult to observe and requires high magnification. Used in Antkey to separate Cerapachys from other subfamilies.
pygidium unarmed
The upper surface (tergite) of the last segment of the gaster convex and not armed with a row of very small teeth. This character can be difficult to observe and requires high magnification. Used in Antkey to separate other subfamilies from Cerapachys.
sting with apical pendant
The posterior tip of the string is shaped like a pendant, or triangle. Used in Antkey to separate Tetramorium from all other myrmicines.
sting simple
The sting is simple, tapering evenly into a posterior point. Used in Antkey to separate all other myrmicine genera from Tetramorium.
hairs (Strumigenys godeffroyi)
hairs (Strumigenys godeffroyi)
hairs (Strumigenys rogeri)
hairs (Strumigenys rogeri)
dense gastral pubescence
pubescence on first gastral segment dense (Brachymyrmex)
sparse gastral pubescence
pubescence on first gastral segment sparse (Brachymyrmex)
gaster with constriction
distinct constriction between abdominal segments 3+4