
Taxon DescriptionSolenopsis invicta Eli Sarnat08 年 7 个月 之前
PageTrichomyrmex destructor Eli Sarnat08 年 7 个月 之前
PageLucid key-v2 Eli Sarnat08 年 8 个月 之前
文献Diversity, endemism and origins of scale insects on a tropical oceanic island: Implications for management of an invasive ant Eli Sarnat09 年 1 周 之前
文献The Trojan horse approach for managing invasive ants: a study with Asian needle ants, Pachycondyla chinensis Eli Sarnat09 年 1个月 之前
文献Rapid increase of the parasitic fungus Laboulbenia formicarum in supercolonies of the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus Eli Sarnat09 年 7 个月 之前
文献Samsum Ant, Brachyponera sennaarensis (Formicidae: Ponerinae): distribution and abundance in Saudi Arabia Eli Sarnat09 年 7 个月 之前
文献Infiltration of a facultative ant–plant mutualism by the introduced Argentine ant: effects on mutualist diversity and mutualism benefits Eli Sarnat09 年 8 个月 之前
文献Ecological impacts on native ant and ground-dwelling animal communities through Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) management in Japan Eli Sarnat09 年 8 个月 之前
文献Intermediate disturbance promotes invasive ant abundance Eli Sarnat09 年 8 个月 之前
文献Different behavioural strategies among seven highly invasive ant species Eli Sarnat09 年 9 个月 之前
文献Testing the effects of ant invasions on non-ant arthropods with high-resolution taxonomic data Eli Sarnat09 年 9 个月 之前
文献A guide to the ants of south-western Australia Eli Sarnat29 年 9 个月 之前
Blog entryIntroduction to using the Lucid Key Eli Sarnat09 年 9 个月 之前
媒体库Introduced Pheidole taxonomic characters Eli Sarnat09 年 9 个月 之前
文献Ants in an arid urban landscape: Biodiversity, community composition and factors behind the success of an exotic ant species Eli Sarnat09 年 10 个月 之前
文献Effects of tending by Solenopsis invicta (hymenoptera: Formicidae) on the sugar composition and concentration in the honeydew of an invasive mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) Eli Sarnat09 年 11 个月 之前
文献Maunakea Invasive Species Management Plan. Technical Report No. 191 Eli Sarnat09 年 11 个月 之前
文献Technical Report HCSU-061. Ants of the National Park of American Samoa Eli Sarnat09 年 11 个月 之前
文献Taking the sting out of Little Fire Ant in Hawaii Eli Sarnat09 年 11 个月 之前
文献Transposable elements as agents of rapid adaptation may explain the genetic paradox of invasive species Eli Sarnat09 年 11 个月 之前
文献Antagonistic interactions among common tropical household ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Eli Sarnat09 年 11 个月 之前
文献Density-Dependent effects of an invasive ant on a ground-dwelling arthropod community Eli Sarnat09 年 11 个月 之前
文献Worldwide spread of Pheidole teneriffana (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Eli Sarnat09 年 11 个月 之前
PageUsing the Lucid key Eli Sarnat09 年 12 个月 之前


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith