
文献The influence of Dolichoderus thoracicus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on losses due to Helopeltis theivora (Heteroptera: Miridae), black pod disease, and mammalian pests in cocoa in Malaysia Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Catálogo abreviado das formigas da região Neotropical Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献A revision of the Neotropical fungus-growing ants of the genus Cyphomyrmex Mayr. Part II: Group of rimosus (Spinola) (Hym., Formicidae) Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Miscellaneous studies on neotropical ants. II. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Ant fauna of the French and Venezuelan islands in the Caribbean Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献The influence of riparian corridor width on ant and plant assemblages in northern Sydney, Australia Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献First report of Brachymyrmex obscurior Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Georgia Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Ants of Japan Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Effects of abiotic factors on the distribution and activity of the invasive Argentine ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Communication, raiding behavior and prey storage in Cerapachys (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) invasions within undisturbed mainland Australian habitats: no support for biotic resistance hypothesis Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Taxonomic confusion of two tramp ant species: Iridomyrmex anceps and Ochetellus glaber are really species complexes Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Impact of the introduced yellow crazy ant Anoplolepis gracilipes on Bird Island, Seychelles Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Revision of the ant genus Iridomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献New records of introduced ants (Hymenoptera; Formicidae) in the Galapagos Islands Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Ein Vorkommen von Crematogaster scutellaris (Olivier, 1791) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Süddeutschland Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Male polymorphism and gynandromorphs in the ant Cardiocondyla emeryi Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Behavior of ergatoid males in the ant, Cardiocondyla nuda Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Fighting for a harem of queens: physiology of reproduction in Cardiocondyla male ants Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Population structure of the male-polymorphic ant Cardiocondyla obscurior Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Stealthy invaders: the biology of Cardiocondyla tramp ants Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Production of winged and wingless males in the ant Cardiocondyla minutior Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Male polymorphism in the ant Cardiocondyla minutior (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献A revision of the Neotropical ant subgenus Myrmothrix of genus Camponotus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前
文献Invasive ant pest risk assessment project for Biosecurity New Zealand Eli Sarnat012 年 3 个月 之前


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith