Eli Sarnat

文献Ants that have pest status in the United States Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Supercolony mosaics: two different invasions by the yellow crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes, on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Taxonomic studies of the Japanese Formicidae, Part 6. Genus Cardiocondyla Emery Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献A monographic revision of the ant genus Ponera Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Notes on the coexistence of the supercolonial Lasius neglectus Van Loon, Boomsma et Andrásfalvy 1990 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with other ant species Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Impacts of Argentine ants on avian nesting success Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Patterns of spread in biological invasions dominated by long-distance jump dispersal: insights from Argentine ants Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Bottom-up effects on persistence of a specialist predator: Ant invasions and horned lizards Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Lethal fighting among dimorphic males of the ant, Cardiocondyla wroughtonii Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献New arthropod records from Kaho'olawe Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Des considérations écologiques peuvent-elles apporter une contribution à la connaisance du cycle biologique des colonies de Cremastogaster (Hymenoptera - Formicoidea)? Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Le déclenchement et la rupture de l'état d'hibernation chez Crematogaster scutellaris Ol. (Hymenoptera: Formicoidea) Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Revisionary notes on the fungus-growing ants of the genus Cyphomyrmexrimosus group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Attini) Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献House-infesting ants of the eastern United States. Their recognition, biology, and economic importance Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Family Formicidae Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Additional ants recorded from Florida, with descriptions of two new subspecies Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Ants of the genus Ponera in America, North of Mexico Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Descriptions of new species of aculeate Hymenoptera collected by the Rev. Thos. Blackburn in the Sandwich Islands Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Descriptions of new species of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace at Celebes Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Superfamily Formicoidea Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Taxonomic catalog of the ant subfamilies Aneuretinae and Dolichoderinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Intranidal mating, gyne polymorphism, polygyny, and supercoloniality as factors for sympatric and parapatric speciation in ants Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Cryptic species in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) revisited: we need a change in the alpha taxonomic approach Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前
文献Hypoponera punctatissima (Roger) and H. schauinslandi (Emery) - Two morphologically and biologically distinct species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Eli Sarnat012 年 6 个月 之前


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith