There are 10 content types available on Scratchpads sites, many of which are currently used in Antkey, and several of which will be added during future development. All content types used in Antkey can be associated with individual or multiple taxa. When a content node is associated, or 'tagged', with a taxonomic name included in the classification, the content is displayed as a tab on the relevant taxon page. Content can be added directly on the site, imported into the site using Excel spreadsheets.
Biblio (Literature records). Scholarly content, such as journal papers and books. There are 256 literature records currently included in Antkey, most of which have been imported from the Formis database. Each record is a citation that includes the following fields: Publication type, year of publication, author(s), full journal name, abbreviated journal name, volume, pagination and abstract. For each record, links are available to search Google Scholar for the citation and to download each citation in BibTex, RTF, XML or RIS (Endnote) format. We are currently in the process of tagging each record with associated taxonomic names. Once tagged, each record will be displayed dynamically on the respective species taxon page. Records can be added individually on-site, or imported from Endnote.
Blog entry. Used for multi-user blogs. Any user with 'editor' or 'maintainer' status can create a blog post.
Forum topic. Used for discussion threads within a forum. Current forums include Site suggestions, Add species to Antkey, Identification requests, Specimen requests/offers, New introduction records, Corrections and Questions.
Location. A location which conforms to Darwincore, and can be associated with multiple specimens. Each location is given a unique identifier. Locations can be added either by adding a point to Google Map, adding lat/long coordinates, or importing from an Excel file. When specimens/observations are tagged with locations, they are dynamically added to maps on the taxon page 'map' tab.
Media gallery. Selected media display together in a gallery. Media galleries can be selected for viewing on the 'Media' page. Current media galleries include. Current galleries include 'taxon images', 'character states', 'glossary terms', 'specimen photographs', 'line drawings' and 'live photographs'.
Specimen/Observation. Specimens records based on Darwincore biodiversity standards. Available fields for specimen records include basis of record, institution code, collection code, catalogue number, collector number, collector, date collected, field notes, type status, taxonomic name, identification qualifier, identified by, date identified, media, sex, lifestage, count genbank number and location. Specimens associated with taxonomic names are dynamically added to a 'specimen' tab of the respective taxon page.
- Taxon description. Based on the TDWG/EoL Species Profile Model (SPM). Taxon descriptions in Antkey include information on general overview, biology, morphological diagnosis, native and introduced ranges, look-a-like species, pest risk status. Taxon descriptions tagged with taxonomic names are dynamically added to the 'description' tab of the respective taxon page. Because the taxon descriptions are based on the TDWG/EoL SPM, the content can be served to other online clients, such as the Encyclopedia of Life.