gaster with pale spots

The gaster with yellowish white spots on lateral portions of second tergite. Used in Antkey to separate Camponotus sexguttatus from all other Camponotus species.
head bicolored

The head is bicolored with the yellowish posterior two-thirds contrasting with the darker brown anterior third and rest of body. Used in Antkey to separate Pheidole punctatissima from Pheidole anastasii and Pheidole bilimeki.
head concolorous

The head is uniform in color, not contrasting sharply with rest of body. Used in Antkey to separate Pheidole anastasii and Pheidole bilimeki from Pheidole punctatissima.
coxae contrasting with mesosoma

The middle and hind coxae are pale white, contrasting with dark mesosoma. Used in Antkey to separate Nylanderia steinheili from Nylanderia bourbonica and Nylanderia fulva.
coxae and mesosoma concolorous

The middle and hind coxae are same color as mesosoma, not a strongly contrasting pale white. Used in Antkey to separate Nylanderia bourbonica and Nylanderia fulva from Nylanderia steinheili.
gaster concolorous

The gaster is concolorous, uniform or nearly uniform in color, lacking both (1) dark transverse bands running near posterior margins of tergites that contrast with the rest of gaster and body, and (2) yellowish white spots on lateral portions of second tergite. Used in Antkey to separate Camponotus atriceps, Camponotus planatus and Camponotus rectangularis from Camponotus sexguttatus and Camponotus variegatus.
gaster variegated

The gaster is variegated with dark transverse bands running near posterior margins of tergites that contrast with the paler yellow of the rest of gaster and body. Used in Antkey to separate Camponotus variegatus from all other Camponotus species.
tarus lighter than femur

The tarsus of the hind leg (metatarsus) is pale in color and contrasts sharply with the darker brown hind tibia and femur. Used in Antkey to separate Technomyrmex albipes, Technomyrmex difficilis and Technomyrmex vitiensis from Technomyrmex pallipes.
leg color uniform

The hind leg (metatarsus) is more or less uniform brown in color, and the tarsus is not distinctly lighter than the tibia and femur. Used in Antkey to separate Technomyrmex pallipes from Technomyrmex albipes, Technomyrmex difficilis and Technomyrmex vitiensis.
gaster variegated

gaster variegated (Camponotus)