propodeum not angulate

The propodeum is not angulate and lacks a distinct dorsal and posterior face. Used in Antkey to separate Camponotus variegatus, Camponotus atriceps, and Camponotus sexguttatus from Camponotus rectangularis.
propodeum with posterior protrusion and concave declivity

The propodeum forms a posteriorly projecting protrusion (a) which causes the propodeal declivity (b) to be concave. Used in Antkey to separate species in the Ochetellus glaber complex from various species of dolichoderines and formicines.
propodeal declivity 2x dorsum

The propodeal declivity is at least twice length of propodeal dorsum. Used in Antkey to separate Lasius from Anoplolepis and Formica.
propodeal declivity < 2x dorsum

The propodeal declivity is less than twice length of propodeal dorsum. Used in Antkey to separate Anoplolepis and Formica from Lasius.
propodeal spine length

propodeal spine length measured as a straight line from the center of the propodeal spiracle to the tip of the propodeal spine.
propodeal spines long

The propodeal spines are well developed, long and spinose. Used in Antkey to separate species of Tetramorium.
propodeal spines short

The propodeum spines are short, weakly developed and more closely resemble teeth or angles than long, well developed spines. Used in Antkey to separate species of Tetramorium.
propodeum unarmed

The propodeum is entirely unarmed, completely lacking even small angles or teeth. Used in Antkey to separate Gnamptogenys porcata from Gnamptogenys triangularis.
propodeum with denticles

The propodeum is armed with small teeth or denticles. Used in Antkey to separate Gnamptogenys triangularis from Gnamptogenys porcata.
propodeum and petiole armed

The propodeum and petiolar node both armed with a pair of short teeth. Used in Antkey to separate Dolichoderus thoracicus from other species of Dolichoderinae and Formicinae.