Waist 2-segmented

Waist with two segments (petiole and postpetiole). Used in Antkey to separate Cerapachyinae, Myrmicinae and Pseudomyrmecinae from all other subfamilies.
petiolar node relatively thick

The petiolar node is relatively thick in profile. Used in Antkey to separate Tetramorium simillimum from Tetramorium caldarium. The character, as it is presently defined, is ambiguous and requires a more detailed examination before its usefulness is confirmed.
petiolar node relatively thin

The petiolar node is relatively thin in profile. Used in Antkey to separate Tetramorium caldarium from Tetramorium simillimum. The character, as it is presently defined, is ambiguous and requires a more detailed examination before its usefulness is confirmed.
peduncle relatively long

The petiolar peduncle is long (length distinctly twice or more than height) and does not taper gradually into node. Used in Antkey to separate Cardiocondyla kagutsuchi, Cardiocondyla mauritanica and Cardiocondyla venustula from Cardiocondyla minutior, Cardiocondyla obscurior and Cardiocondyla wroughtonii.
peduncle relatively short

The petiolar peduncle not appearing long (length not twice height), and thickens gradually as it tapers into node. Used in Antkey to separate Cardiocondyla minutior, Cardiocondyla obscurior and Cardiocondyla wroughtonii from Cardiocondyla kagutsuchi, Cardiocondyla mauritanica and Cardiocondyla venustula.
peduncle relatively thick

The petiolar peduncle is relatively thick in profile. Used in Antkey to separate Tetramorium simillimum from Tetramorium caldarium. The character, as it is presently defined, is ambiguous and requires a more detailed examination before its usefulness is confirmed.
peduncle relatively thin

The petiolar peduncle is relatively thin in profile. Used in Antkey to separate Tetramorium caldarium from Tetramorium simillimum. The character, as it is presently defined, is ambiguous and requires a more detailed examination before its usefulness is confirmed.
petiolar node with apical spine

The petiolar node is armed with a apical single, weakly posteriorly protecting spine. Used in Antkey to separate Odontomachus simillimus and Odontomachus ruginodis from Anochetus mayri.
distinct peduncle and node

The petiole has a clearly separate and distinct peduncle and node. Used in Antkey to separate from many myrmicine genera from Crematogaster.
petiolar node with convex dorsum

The petiolar node has a convex dorsal face and the dorsal profile slopes anteriorly. In Antkey used to separate Crematogaster obscurata from Crematogaster scutellaris.