mesopleuron with dense pubesence

The mesopleuron is marked by modest to dense pubescence (usually more than 25 hairs) that gives it a dull appearance. The amount of pubescence can be quite variable based on the examined specimens, and is not always the most reliable character. Used in Antkey to separate species of Nylanderia.
mesopleuron with sparse pubesence

The mesopleura and metapleural bulla lacking pubescence giving the surface a glabrous appearance. Used in Antkey to separate Linepithema iniquum from Linepithema humile.
mesopleuron with sparse pubesence

The mesopleuron is shiny, not dulled by dense pubescence (usually less than 25 hairs). The amount of pubescence can be quite variable based on the examined specimens, and is not always the most reliable character. Used in Antkey to separate species of Nylanderia.
mesopleuron with dense pubesence

The mesopleura and metapleural bulla covered with dense pubescence giving the surface a dull appearance. Used in Antkey to separate Linepithema humile from Linepithema iniquum.
mesopleuron (Paratrechina bourbonica)

mesopleuron (Paratrechina bourbonica)
mesopleuron (Paratrechina vaga)

mesopleuron (Paratrechina vaga)
mesopleuron with dense pubesence

dense pubescence covering mesopleura (Linepithema)
mesopleuron lacking dense pubesence

dense pubescence not covering mesopleura (Linepithema)