ประเภทการลงประกาศ | Journal Article |
ปีที่ตีพิมพ์: | 1976 |
ผู้เขียน (ทดลอง): | T. Lewis, Cherrett, J. M., Haines, I., Haines, J. B., Mathias, P. L. |
วารสาร: | Bulletin of Entomological Research |
ฉบับที่: | 66 |
Pagination: | 97-111 |
วันที่ลงประกาศ: | Mar. |
บทคัดย่อ: | *[The distribution & spread, interrelationship with other animals, & economic importance (mainly domestic) of Anoplolepis longipes (Jerd.) in Mahé, Seychelles, after its accidental introduction about 13 years ago, are described. Temporary control measures based on solid & liquid baits formulated largely from local materials were devised. Baits containing aldrin at 2·5% a.i. & applied at 10 kg (solid) & 20 kg (liquid)/ha decreased the abundance of foragers for about 50 days after treatment. Other insecticides tested were less effective. Bendiocarb (0·04% a.i.) sprayed onto walls of houses & buildings provided protection for about a week outdoors, & for up to 2-months indoors. There are good prospects for the eventual decline & stability of populations of this ant on Mahé.] |
วารสารทางเลือก: | Bull. Entomol. Res. |