ปรับรุ่น Taxa จาก 2012-10-11 14:49

The Antkey taxonomic classification currently includes 8 subfamilies, 43 genera, 116 valid species. Clicking on a taxon term in the classification will link to its taxon page. Taxon pages are dynamically generated from content nodes associated with relevant taxonomic names. Species are the primary taxon unit used within the site, and each species page is associated with various content types, including media, literature records and taxon descriptions. Higher level taxa aggregate all the content included in their respective children taxa. For example, the Tetramorium genus taxon page aggregates the content associated with all the Tetramorium species included in the classification. The Myrmicinae subfamily taxon page aggregates the content associated with all the myrmicine species included in the classification.

The 'description' tab displays taxon description content authored by Antkey contributors. Currently, description content includes diagnosis and identification sections for all Antkey species. Additional description content, including overview, biology, distribution, pest risk status and look-a-likes is available for approximately one third of all included species. Similar content is being developed for the remaining species, and will be added incrementally as soon as it is ready. At the bottom of each description is 'EOL Text' dynamically harvested from the respective taxon's Encyclopedia of Life page.

The 'media' tab on the taxon pages displays images that have been tagged with the respective taxon's name. Similarly, the 'literature' tab displays literature citations that have been tagged with the respective taxon's name.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith