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Camponotus planatus Roger, 1863
Camponotus planatus is a relatively small (3–6 mm) polymorphic species. It is a dull reddish brown with a contrasting black gaster and is covered with short, stiff, whitish yellow hairs on the dorsal surfaces of the head, mesosoma and gaster. The species is native to the Neotropics, and has established introduced populations in the Southeastern United States. It is uncertain whether the population in Cuba (the type locality) is native or introduced. Although not considered a significant pest species (Klotz et al., 1995; Warner & Scheffrahn, 2005), there are some concerns that C. planatus exerts ecological pressures on native ants in the Florida Keys (Deyrup et al., 2000). The recent discovery in Mississippi (MacGown, 2010)and interception records of the species in the United States and Netherlands (Boer & Vierbergen, 2008)are evidence of its capacity for inadvertent introduction.