Control of a natural infestation of the pharaoh ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with a corn grit bait of fenoxycarb
Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 1994 |
作者: | D. F. Williams, Vail K. M. |
Journal: | Journal of Economic Entomology |
音量: | 87 |
Pagination: | 108-115 |
Date Published: | Feb. |
摘要: | The insect growth regulator fenoxycarb was very effective against a natural infestation of the Pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis (L.). A large building (7,841 m2) containing four separate wings was used to evaluate two concentrations of fenoxycarb (0.5 and 1%) in oil on a corn grit bait. Raid Max Ant Bait was used as a standard for comparative purposes. A separate wing was used for each treatment. One wing received no bait and functioned as a control. Our study demonstrated that 0.5% fenoxycarb in peanut butter oil was more effective than a 1% fenoxycarb bait and Raid Max Ant Bait; this treatment completely eliminated the ants < 6 wk after treatment. Reinfestation in the 0.5% fenoxycarb-treated wing occurred 24 wk after treatment and only at two sites in the area treated. Although Raid Max eliminated the ants < 6 wk after treatment, reinfestation occurred at 12 and 14 wk after treatment. Raid Max baits were applied again at 12 and 14 wk; no ants were detected in this wing after the 14-wk treatment. |
Alternate Journal: | J. Econ. Entomol. |