Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 2010 |
作者: | J. Y. Rasplus, Villemant, C., Paiva, M. R., Delvare, G., Roques, A. |
Journal: | BioRisk - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Risk Assessment |
音量: | 4(2) |
Pagination: | 669-776 |
摘要: | *[We present the first review of Hymenoptera alien to Europe. Our study revealed that nearly 300 species of Hymenoptera belonging to 30 families have been introduced to Europe. This ranks Hymenoptera third following Coleoptera & Hemiptera, in terms of alien species diversity within invertebrate orders. Two third of alien Hymenoptera are parasitoids or hyperparasitoids that were mostly introduced for biological control purposes. Only 35 phytophagous species, 47 predator species & 3 species of pollinators have been introduced. Six families of wasps (Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae, Braconidae, Torymidae, Pteromalidae) & ants (Formicidae) represent about 80% of the alien Hymenoptera introduced to Europe. The 3 most diverse families are Aphelinidae (60 species = 32% of the Aphelinid European fauna), Encyrtidae (55), & Formicidae (42), while the Chalcidoidea together represents 2/3 of the total Hymenoptera species introduced to Europe. There are numerous cases of Hymenoptera introduced from one part of Europe to another, especially from continental Europe to British Islands. The number of new records of alien Hymenoptera per year has shown an exponential increase during the last 200 years. The number of alien species introduced by year reached a maximum of 5 species per year between 1975 & 2000. North America provided the greatest part of the hymenopteran species alien to Europe (96 species, 35.3%), followed by Asia (84 species, 30.9%), & Africa (49 species, 18%). Three Mediterranean countries (only continental parts) hosted the largest number of alien Hymenoptera: Italy (144 spp.), France (111 spp.), & Spain (90 spp.), but no correlation was found with the area of countries. Seven species of Formicidae appear widely distributed in Europe: Hypoponerapunctatissima (31 countries), Lasius neglectus (10), L. turcicus (15), Linepithema humile (17), Monomorium pharaonis (23), Paratrechina longicornis (13), & Pheidole megacephala (14). Intentional introduction, mostly for biological control, has been the main pathway of introduction for Hymenoptera. Consequently, the most invaded habitats are agricultural & horticultural as well as greenhouses. To the contrary, Hymenoptera alien in Europe are mostly associated with woodland & forest habitats. Ecological & economic impacts of alien Hymenoptera have been poorly studied. Ants have probably displaced native species and this is also true for introduced parasitoids, but reliable examples are still scarce. The cost of these impacts has never been estimated.]References p. 690-724. Table 12.1 Hymenoptera species alien to Europe. List and characteristics. Status: A: Alien to Europe; C: cryptogenic species. Country codes abbreviations refer toISO 3166 (see appendix I). Habitat abbreviations refer to EUNIS (see appendix II). Last update 01/03/2010, p. 725-758. Table 12.2. Hymenoptera species alien in Europe. List and characteristics. Country codes abbreviations refer to ISO 3166 (see appendix I). Habitat abbreviationsrefer to EUNIS (see appendix II). Last update 01/03/2010; p. 759-765. Table 12.3. Number of alien Hymenoptera per European countries, p. 766. Alternate citation: Rasplus J-Y et al. (2010) Hymenoptera. Chapter 12. In: Roques A et al. (Eds) Arthropod invasions in Europe.BioRisk 4(2): 669-776. Abbreviations and glossary of technical terms used in the book. |
Alternate Journal: | BioRisk |