Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 2005 |
作者: | L. Lach |
Journal: | Insectes Sociaux |
音量: | 52 |
Pagination: | 257-262 |
摘要: | *[I compared the nectar-thieving behavior of 3 widespread invasive ant species: long-legged ants (Anoplolepis gracilipes), Argentine ants (Linepithema humile), & big-headed ants (Pheidole megacephala) in inflorescences of the native Hawaiian ‘ōhi’a tree, an important food source for native fauna. A. gracilipes was least likely to leave inflorescences unvisited & visited inflorescences in higher numbers than both L. humile & P. megacephala. A. gracilipes & L. humile visited more flowers in an inflorescence & were less likely to retreat from a flower with a competitor than P. megacephala. A. gracilipes was able to take 5.5 & 11.3 times the amount of nectar than L. humile & P. megacephala, respectively. Thus, A. gracilipes may be effective at both interference and exploitation competition against other nectarivores, L. humile may be effective at interference competition, & P. megacephala may be relatively weak at both types of competition against other nectarivores.] |
Alternate Journal: | Insect. Soc. |