coxae contrasting with mesosoma

The middle and hind coxae are pale white, contrasting with dark mesosoma. Used in Antkey to separate Nylanderia steinheili from Nylanderia bourbonica and Nylanderia fulva.
coxae and mesosoma concolorous

The middle and hind coxae are same color as mesosoma, not a strongly contrasting pale white. Used in Antkey to separate Nylanderia bourbonica and Nylanderia fulva from Nylanderia steinheili.
hind coxae armed

The hind coxae armed with dorsal spine. Used in Antkey to separate Gnamptogenys from all other genera.
hind coxae unarmed

The hind coxae not armed with dorsal spine. Used in Antkey to separate all other genera from Gnamptogenys.
hind coxae lacking dorsal spine

hind coxae lacking dorsal spine
hind coxae with dorsal spine

hind coxae with dorsal spine (Gnamptogenys)
coxae contrasting with mesosoma

middle and hind coxae pale white, contrasting with dark mesosoma (Nylanderia)
coxae same color as mesosoma

middle and hind coxae same color as mesosoma (Nylanderia)
ant morphology

Some terms associated with ant morphology (profile view).