Removed Gnamptogenys porcata: McGlynn (1999) listed the Neotropical Gnamptogenys porcata (Emery, 1896) as an exotic in Florida, citing Deyrup & Trager (1986), but there is no such record in Deyrup & Trager (1986), and Deyrup (pers. comm.) has never heard of G. porcata reported from Florida. McGlynn (1999) also listed G. porcata in Hawaii, but this was based on a record of this species intercepted in quarantine, not an established population.
Added the following based on pers. comm. with James Wetterer (2014): Technomyrmex difficilis Technomyrmex vitiensis
Removed Anoplolepis custodiens and Technomyrmex albipes based on correspondence with Wetterer (Wed, 2 Apr 2014 01:52:18 +0000): "I looked at Eli Sarnat's list, and this species was not on it. Eli's list looks pretty good, except Anoplolepis custodians sand Technomyrmex albipes. To quote Wetterer (2005): "McGlynn (1999) listed Anoplolepis custodiens from "many sites [in] North America and Central America" based on specimens in the Smithsonian Institute (SI). I could find only one of these specimens, labeled Coral Gables, Florida (1961; Strohecker), but since A. custodiens is otherwise unknown in the New World, I suspect that McGlynn’s (1999) records were from specimens that were intercepted by quarantine, mislabeled, or misidentified." All Technomyrmex 'albipes" in the New World were misidentified T. difficilis or T. vitiensis (Wetterer 2013)."