erect hairs
macrosetae long and flexuous

macrosetae on mesosoma long and flexuous, strongly tapering to a fine tip (Nylanderia)
erect hairs absent

The dorsal surface of the mesosoma may have appressed pilosity, but it lacks erect hairs. Used to distinguish species in the Monomorium salomonis-group (Monomorium salomonis and Monomorium subopacum) from all other Monomorium species in Antkey.
erect hairs absent

The dorsal surface of the mesosoma may have appressed pilosity, but it lacks erect hairs. Used to distinguish Brachymyrmex JAM-001 from all other Brachymyrmex species in Antkey.
erect hairs present

The dorsal surface of the mesosoma has erect hairs that differ distinctly from any appressed pilosity. Used to distinguish all other Brachymyrmex species in Antkey from Brachymyrmex JAM-001.
erect hairs present

The dorsal surface of the mesosoma has erect hairs that differ distinctly from any appressed pilosity. Used to distinguish all other Monomorium species in Antkey from species in the Monomorium salomonis-group (Monomorium salomonis and Monomorium subopacum).
erect hairs present

The dorsal surface of the mesosoma has erect hairs that differ distinctly from any appressed pilosity. Used to distinguish among myrmicine genera in Antkey.
gaster with erect hairs

gaster with erect hairs
erect hairs absent

Erect hairs are absent on cephalic dorsum (above eye level), gastral tergites 1 and 2, and are often also present on the pronotum. Used in Antkey to separate Linepithema humile from Linepithema iniquum.
erect hairs long, fine and flexuous

The erect hairs are long, fine and flexuous. They tend to bend anteriorly on the mesosoma and head, and posteriorly on the gaster. Used in Antkey to separate Camponotus atriceps from Camponotus planatus
macrosetae flexuous and accuminate

The macrosetae (or longest hairs), are long and flexuous, strongly tapering to a fine tip. Used in Antkey to separate Nylanderia fulva from Nylanderia bourbonica