Selamat datang. Antkey adalah sumber komunitas untuk mengidentifikasi spesies semut invasif, diperkenalkan dan umumnya terhalang dari seluruh belahan dunia. Anda dapat mendaftarkan akun baru untuk mulai berkontribusi di situs ini, mengunjungi forum untuk mendiskusikan berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan semut diperkenalkan atau pengembangan situs, serta mengunjungi blog untuk mendapatkan info terkini.
Kunci Lucid | mengidentifikasi spesimen
Taksa | menelusuri halaman spesies
Daftar | menelusuri daftar spesies
Media | mencari gambar
Video | menyaksikan klip video semut
Glosarium | mempelajari istilah morfologis
Literatur | mencari literatur yang relevan
Komunitas | berdiskusi & berkontribusi
Blog entry terbaru
In this tutorial, I demonstrate how to make the most effective use of the interactive Lucid3 key for identifying invasive and introduced ants.
Antkey is pleased to announce a new gallery of tramp ants from around the world photographed by the extraordinarily talented photographer and entomologist, Alex Wild.
Dear Antkey users, the site is currently being translated into Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Indonesian and Thai. The translations are being done on the live site, and issues occasionally arise. We apologize for any inconveniences this causes, and thank you for your patience. If you notice any issues that are not resolved within several days, please post a comment here or in the forum and we'll try to address it as soon as possible.
A new paper proposes a novel method for automated screening of the Red Imported Fire Ant.
New modules for Google Scholar and the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) have been added to the Antkey site. Now when users go to taxon pages and click on the 'literature' tab, dynamic search results for that species from Google Scholar and BHL will be presented at the bottom of the page.