Exotic ants in The Netherlands (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
ประเภทการลงประกาศ | Journal Article |
ปีที่ตีพิมพ์: | 2008 |
ผู้เขียน (ทดลอง): | P. Boer, Vierbergen B. |
วารสาร: | Entomologische Berichten (Amsterdam) |
ฉบับที่: | 68 |
Pagination: | 121-129 |
บทคัดย่อ: | *[Exotic ants in The Netherlands are examined, mainly based on interceptions by the Plant Protection Service, recent investigations in botanical gardens & zoos, & revision of collection material. A total of 76 species could be identified. At ports of entry, 39 species have been intercepted, that are not reported from any establishment in the country. Thirty-seven species got established indoors, 23 temporarily & 14 locally. Most frequently encountered is Monomorium pharaonis, followed by Linepithema humile, Tapinoma melanocephalum, & Technomyrmex albipes. The latter is now the most common species in botanical gardens and zoos, where it replaced Paratrechina longicornis & L. humile. Many exotic species are temporary, due to pest control or environmental changes. Better hygiene in houses & increased pest control prevented local establishment in the last decades, despite the increasing number of introductions. Moreover, most exotics are poor colonizers & not able to settle and/or spread after arrival. Up till now, all these introductions did not have any influence on the outdoor ant fauna. The only exotics rarely encountered outdoors are Camponotus vagus, Crematogaster scutellaris, Plagiolepis taurica, & Lasius emarginatus. They settled locally & give no indication of spread to other locations.] In text & table 2, Myrmicinae misselled Myrmecinae. Leafcutter & fire ants are only quarantine interceptions or temporary infestations. |
วารสารทางเลือก: | Entomol. Ber. (Amsterdam) |