
ID指南 | 外来型蚂蚁


Some species listed here could be native to all or part of this country, but are recorded as introduced or intercepted elsewhere.

[n] = native to the country but introduced elsewhere
[n?] = possibly native to at least some portion of country

Anoplolepis gracilipes
Cardiocondyla kagutsuchi [n?]
Cardiocondyla mauritanica
Cardiocondyla minutior
Cardiocondyla wroughtonii
Cerapachys biroi
Dolichoderus thoracicus [n?]
Hypoponera ragusai
Iridomyrmex anceps
Lasius alienus [n?]
Monomorium destructor
Monomorium pharaonis
Nylanderia bourbonica
Ochetellus glaber
Odontomachus simillimus
Paratrechina longicornis [n?]
Pheidole fervens
Pheidole megacephala
Plagiolepis exigua
Solenopsis geminata
Strumigenys emmae
Strumigenys godeffroyi
Strumigenys lewisi
Strumigenys membranifera
Tapinoma melanocephalum
Technomyrmex albipes
Technomyrmex vitiensis
Tetramorium bicarinatum
Tetramorium caespitum
Tetramorium caldarium
Tetramorium lanuginosum
Tetramorium pacificum
Tetramorium simillimum
Tetramorium tonganum

​Original source |


  • Bharti, Himender 2011. List of Indian Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Halteres, Vol. 3. 79-87
  • Dhote, J. 2012. Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) records from Shri Shivajiscience college campus, Amravati, India.. Applied Research and Development Institute Journal 3(12): 114-117. | PDF
  • Ghosh, S.N., Sheela, S. & Kundu, B.G. 2005. Ants of Rabindra Sarovar, Kolkata. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Papers 234: 1-40.
  • Pajni & Suri 1975. First Report on the Formicid Fauna (Hymenoptera) of Chandigarh. Research Bulletin of the Panjab University. vol 29, Parts I-IV: pp. 1-98. | PDF
  • Tewary, R.N. & P.K. Maiti 1976. Some New Records of Ants from Arunuchal Pradesh (Hymentoptera: Formicidae). Newsl. zool. Surv. India 2(2):49-60. | PDF
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith