
ID guide | introduced ants

A synoptic review of the ants of California (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Tahun Publikasi:2005
Penulis:P. S. Ward
Tanggal Terbit:12 Apr 2005

*[Recognizes 281 species (in 44 genera), of which 255 are considered indigenous and 39 are endemic. 36 species appear to be undescribed. Camponotus maritimus is a n.sp. 3 species are revalidated: Leptothorax calderoni, Myrmica glacialis, & Temnothorax rudis. Forelius analis is a n.syn. of Forelius pruinosus. Monomorium wheelerorum is a n.syn. of Monomorium ergatogyna. Temnothorax nitens heathii, Temnothorax nitens occidentalis, & Temnothorax ocellatus are n.syn. of Temnothorax andrei. Temnothorax lindae & Temnothorax maryanae are n.syn. of Temnothorax nevadensis. Temnothorax mariposa & Temnothorax melinus are n.syn. of Temnothorax nitens. The genus Acanthomyops is demoted to a subgenus of Lasius; generating revised or new combinations in Lasius for the following names: arizonicus; bureni; californicus; claviger; clavigeroides; colei; coloradensis; creightoni; interjectus; latipes; mexicanus; murphyi; occidentalis; parvula; plumopilosus; pogonogynus; pubescens; subglaber.]

Jurnal Pengganti:Zootaxa
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith