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5 | 10 | Oleh Eli Sarnat 11 tahun 7 bulan yang lalu |
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1 | 4 | Oleh Marakeesh (Belum diperiksa) 10 tahun 3 bulan yang lalu |
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Forum for questions and discussions about the definition of terms and how to use the translation tools.
2 | 2 | Oleh Eli Sarnat 11 tahun 8 bulan yang lalu |
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Forums dedicated to the current and future development of Antkey
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Details the current plans for new feature and content development
4 | 4 | Oleh Eli Sarnat 12 tahun 4 bulan yang lalu |
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If you have any ideas for how to improve the site, please post them here, and thanks!
1 | 1 | Oleh Eli Sarnat 12 tahun 5 bulan yang lalu |
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If you require assistance identifying ant specimens that are known or thought to be introduced, you can post your request in this forum. Any additional information, data and images will make the identification easier.
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A forum for requesting a species that is not currently treated in Antkey be added to the site. Please provide as much background as you can concerning the requested species and why it should be added.
7 | 7 | Oleh Eli Sarnat 10 tahun 3 bulan yang lalu |
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A forum for posting specimen requests and specimen offers.
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If you have new records of non-native ant species that have established populations outside their native range, please post them here. If the records can be verified we will add them to the site's database.
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If you notice any inaccuracies on the site please note them in this forum.
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This forum is for any questions relating to the Antkey website and its content.
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