ant morphology

Some morphological terms associated with the head and face.
Nylanderia fulva (CASENT0173491, head)

posterolateral lobes smooth

The posterolateral portion of cephalic dorsum sculptured with punctures, rugae or some combination, but never smooth and shining. Best viewed in profile. Used in Antkey to separate the majors of Pheidole fervens and Pheidole teneriffana from those of Pheidole flavens and Pheidole moerens.
posterolateral lobes sculptured

The posterolateral portion of cephalic dorsum smooth and shining, lacking any type of distinct sculpture. Best viewed in profile. Used in Antkey to separate the majors of Pheidole flavens and Pheidole moerens from those of Pheidole fervens and Pheidole teneriffana.
lacking short, thick, flattened hairs

The head and mesosoma lack abundant short, thick and slightly flattened hairs that are light in color. If erect hairs are present, they are sparse, fine and never appearing flattened. Used in Antkey to separate Crematogaster obscurata from Crematogaster scutellaris.
abundant short, thick, flattened hairs

The head and mesosoma have abundant short, thick and slightly flattened hairs that are light in color. Used in Antkey to separate Crematogaster obscurata from Crematogaster scutellaris.
head bicolored

The head is bicolored with the yellowish posterior two-thirds contrasting with the darker brown anterior third and rest of body. Used in Antkey to separate Pheidole punctatissima from Pheidole anastasii and Pheidole bilimeki.
head concolorous

The head is uniform in color, not contrasting sharply with rest of body. Used in Antkey to separate Pheidole anastasii and Pheidole bilimeki from Pheidole punctatissima.
head dull with microsculpture

The head and body appear dull and are covered by hexagonal microsculpture. Used in Antkey to separate Atta sexdens from Atta cephalotes.
head with wooly hairs

The head of the soldier appearing wooly, covered in abundant long fine overlapping hairs. Used in Antkey to separate Atta cephalotes from Atta sexdens.