abrupt attenuation near preapical tooth

mandibles very straight with an abrupt attenuation near insertion of preapical tooth (Strumigenys)
mandibles armed with apical fork

The teeth at the apex of the mandibles usually form a vertically arranged fork of two or three enlarged, frequently spiniform teeth.
mandibles armed with denticles

The mandibles are linear and armed anteriorly with small denticles. Used in Antkey to separate Strumigenys species.
mandibles long and linear with 7 teeth

The mandible long and linear with seven teeth (one apical, one sub-apical, and five basal). Used in Antkey to separate Amblyopone zwaluwenburgi from Prionopelta species.
7 teeth, 2 are basal

The mandible has seven total teeth and dents, including 2 basal teeth. Used in Antkey to separate Lasius neglectus from Lasius alienus, but it is not always reliable.
8 teeth, 2 are basal

The mandible has eight total teeth and dents, including 2 basal teeth. Used in Antkey to separate Lasius alienus from Lasius neglectus but it is not always reliable.
mandibles with 7 teeth/denticles

The mandibles with seven teeth and denticles. Used in Antkey to separate Pachycondyla chinensis from Pachycondyla stigma and Hypoponera species.
mandibles lacking abrupt attenuation

The mandibles are evenly curved, lacking abrupt attenuation near insertion of preapical tooth. Used in Antkey to separate Strumigenys godeffroyi and Strumigenys lewisi from Strumigenys lanuginosa.
mandibles insterted laterally

The mandibles inserted towards lateral corners of the of the anterior head margin. Used in Antkey to separate Leptogenys from Odontomachus.
mandibles inserted medially

The mandibles inserted towards the median anterior head margin. Used in Antkey to separate Odontomachus from Leptogenys.