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Wasmannia|Wasmannia auropunctata|auropunctata (Roger, 1863)|(Roger, 1863)
Wasmannia|Wasmannia auropunctata|auropunctata (Roger, 1863)|(Roger, 1863)
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Little Fire Ant
Vernacular name:
Electric Ant
Wasmannia auropunctata, commonly known as the Little Fire Ant, is a small pale colored ant that is widely regarded as one of the most harmful introduced ant species in the world. This species has a monomorphic worker caste with 11-segmented antennae, two-segmented antennal club, antennal scrobes, short antennal scapes that do not surpass the posterior margin of the head, a gradually sloped mesosoma, and strong propodeal spines. Like all myrmicines, W. auropunctata has two waist segments and a gaster armed with a stinger.