
ID guide | introduced ants

Glosarium dimulai dengan B

Illustrated glossary of morphological and biological terms
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[Torre-Beuno Glossary] At or pertaining to the base or point of attachment or nearest the main body.


Two different colors.

bicolored (gaster darker than rest of body) (Monomorium)

The gaster is brown to black and the rest of the body is brownish yellow. Used in Antkey to separate Monomorium destructor from all other Monomorium.

bicolored (head and gaster darker than mesosoma and waist) (Monomorium)

The head and gaster are brown to black and the mesosoma and waist are usually yellowish brown, though the distinction is less conspicuous among some populations. Used in Antkey to separate Monomorium floricola from all other Monomorium.

bicolored red and black (Tetramorium)

The entire body is orange to reddish brown, except for the gaster which is a distinctly darker brown to black. Used in Antkey to separate Tetramorium bicarinatum, some specimens of Tetramorium caldarium and some specimens of Tetramorium simillimum from all other Tetramorium.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith