Glosarium dimulai dengan T
- tarsus
[] (pl. tarsi) Collective term for the five small apical subsegments (tarsomeres) of any leg.
- tarsus of hind leg distinctly lighter in color than tibia and femur (Technomyrmex)
The tarsus of the hind leg (metatarsus) is pale in color and contrasts sharply with the darker brown hind tibia and femur. Used in Antkey to separate Technomyrmex albipes, Technomyrmex difficilis and Technomyrmex vitiensis from Technomyrmex pallipes.
- tarsus of hind leg not distinctly lighter in color than tibia (Technomyrmex)
The hind leg (metatarsus) is more or less uniform brown in color, and the tarsus is not distinctly lighter than the tibia and femur. Used in Antkey to separate Technomyrmex pallipes from Technomyrmex albipes, Technomyrmex difficilis and Technomyrmex vitiensis.
- tibia
[] (pl. tibiae) The fourth segment of any leg, counting from the basal segment (coxa) that articulates with the thorax. At its apex the tibia frequently bears one or two tibial spurs. The tibia of the prothoracic (fore) leg is often termed the protibia, that of the mesothoracic (middle) leg the mesotibia, and that of the metathoracic (hind) leg the metatibia.
- tibia with pectinate and simple spur
The apical end of the tibia, near to where the tarsus is inserted, has two spurs: one is larger and pectinate, and the other is simple. Used in Antkey to separate Pachycondyla from Hypoponera and Ponera.
- Tibia with pectinate spur, but no simple spur
The apical end of the tibia, near to where the tarsus is inserted has a pectinante spur, but no simple spur. Used in Antkey to separate Hypoponera and Ponera from Pachycondyla.
- tibial spurs
One or two spurs located at the apex of the tibia just basal of the tarsus. May be simple or pectinate.
- tubercles
Small knobby prominences or raised bumps.